How To Invite Prospect In Network Marketing Effectively

Like any Network Marketing professional, you WILL need to learn some skills to achieve success in your small business. The more you educate yourself about Network Marketing, the more likely you will have massive success in achieving the residual income you desire for your family and your future. Unlike most high paying professions like a doctor or lawyer, you will NOT need a large amount of money for your education, yet the network marketing professional can create a greater income for themselves than virtually any other profession. Before You Begin, You Need To Know: - People Don’t Join a Business – They Join YOU! If you happen to have a website for your business, make sure it is full of value and education as if you were teaching the reader about your company through an online tutorial. Additionally, you must make this value clear to the reader so that they can understand what your product is that you are marketing. Giving value along with step by step educational procedures in your small business will offer return visitors and loyal followers. My goal and yours should be to become an Alpha-Networker, a leader in your company for others to follow, which of course will cause an increase in your bank account balances. After studying successful people in small business, I have discovered that successful Network Marketers build relationships, they build friendships. Their goal was NOT to immediately recruit their prospects. If you focus on getting customers or a new distributor for your product, you will be disappointed… you will find your prospects running the other way. The Network Marketing professional’s objective is to educate their prospects on what they have to offer and then let them decide for themselves if it is something they wanted to do… it needs to be their idea to join your your business. When the timing is right, the professional marketer will invite a prospect to do one of two things based on the individual prospect’s situation.
1: If the professional marketer feels it is warranted, the marketer might invite the prospect to a 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 meeting with another member of the team. He might invite the prospect for a three-way phone conversation, a small group presentation in their home or an online Webinar. • The professional marketer understands that the personal interaction is a critical component when it comes to building trust, so the pro will connect with people as often as possible. This is an element of ‘Social Proof’. • On the other hand, if you invite a potential recruit to a meeting, and it takes longer than one hour to explain your small business opportunity, the inevitable conclusion that your prospect will draw is that joining your business would be very time-intensive causing them to think twice about your opportunity.
2: Another choice for the marketer would be to invite the prospect to review a tool, whether that means to listen to a CD, watch a video presentation, look at a magazine, website etc… the professional marketer will allow the tool to do the work for them. • Using a marketing tool is a great way for people to become educated and hopefully excited while right in the middle of their busy lives. The prospect may not have time to drive across town to meet, but he can find the time to listen to a CD, read a magazine, watch a short DVD or an online presentation. • If the person is showing an interest, but still is in need of more information, or has questions, this might be the perfect opportunity to incorporate Number 1 from above.
