
How to make Money with ?

You’ve probably heard before a lot of hype about how much money you can make with affiliate programs. Maybe you’ve even set up a site yourself, only to find that after buying the domain, a few bucks a month in hosting, software or a web designer to design your site, etc., that the piddly affiliate fees hardly even covered your cost. Well, here’s the hype-free way to really make money with an affiliate site. And it’ll only take a day to make the site. The secret? Low cost, low effort. If you don’t already know it, learn some basic HTML.  You  have  to do this to keep your costs down and still get what you want. Even if the site is basically laid out for you, you’re going to need to know how to insert images, create hyperlinks, and do some basic text formatting. Decide on your topic.  You’re going to be doing product reviews and recommendations, so pick a topic that you enjoy and know something about. If you can’t stay passionate about the topic, that will show, and it al

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